Mummy Marho's Foundation for Children, Teenagers and Youth    - RC 7139420

+ 234 802 0809 345

Our upcoming locations are selected based on the cities that have been part of our nuturing and influence, in shaping who we are today as a founders.

Our Street Rescue Program

Rescue a Child, Teen or Youth

This program is centered around rescuing displaced young ones from any form of abuse, molestation, neglect and/or educational deprivation. They mostly are teenage mothers, orphaned and those from downtrodden places.

Our Fostering Education Program

Foster a Child Education

This is a 2 to 5 years alternative styled education program, centered around tutoring the young ones based on their learning ability and capacity. 

Our Sustainable Enterpreneurship Program

Empower a Youth

This is a 2 years empowerment program, designed to eliminate the "Get-Rich-Quick" mindset, by building a stronger and more resilient individual, capable of breaking the cycle of poverty by creating jobs based on their purpose-driven talent  and insipiring a new generation of ethical enterpreneurs.

Our Field-Trip Program

Sponsor a Beneficiary

Once every Year, our Foundation takes the beneficiaries to various location of interest. These are made possible by organizations, foundations, companies and individuals. These trips are to give the beneficiaries exposure and also to learn more about how these organizations, factories and industries operate and enveloping the sights and sounds of the state they reside.